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to the inner thoughts of me (Trish)! What's in my head and in my heart -- written out.
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Roll the dough

Last night was a great hard working night for me – I left work a little after 4:30 pm to head to my “second job” – my church. The night was all about frying apple pies for our missions team to raise funds to go to Honduras. We started the night out with a spaghetti dinner together and after we cleaned up from that we started to work. I had the fortunate job of being a dough roller – I can tell you that my arms are truly sore this morning from helping to roll so many pies. All together last night we fixed a little over 500 pies.

I have to tell you though, making those pies was such a wonderful time for me. Even though we were working, it was relaxing (at least on the mental side). I just stood there and rolled the dough, I didn’t have to concentrate, I didn’t think about everything that was on my to do list undo at work or my to do list at home that’s every growing. I just rolled the dough, and thought about nothing, and I, yes I had peace.

I’m so glad that God gives us these little moments. Quiet rest if you will for the weary tired, overworked, under appreciated, self-esteem lacking soul! It gave me time to breath. Time to just relax and have conversation with a friend, and to remember some friends that have already crossed to glory.
I’m thankful that last night while all that surrounds us seems to be questionable at best these days, all I had to do last night was…..roll the dough.


The inner thoughts keep on screaming!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I love your new blog!!! I didn't know about it till now... I am adding you to my blogroll.

And yes blogging is definitely therapeutic. Wow your layout is great and I look forward to more and more.