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to the inner thoughts of me (Trish)! What's in my head and in my heart -- written out.
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Friday, July 31, 2009

The randomness in my head

My head is so full today and so my head feels rambled but this is how I am feeling currently…..

The Lord has blessed me in so many ways even though I am walking through some really tough mental and emotional and even physical things right now I am so blessed. For several weeks now in services at church, well even at churches that I have visited God has been speaking some things to me. I am still patiently waiting and letting Him lead me and guide me but this journey has definitely began.

I know that I will be needing lots of prayer with decisions and things to come in the future but everyday I am trusting God and letting Him lead me. I know that this battle that I am in is not going to be easy it is going to be hard but as the song by the Crabb Family says “He will take you through the fire again!” He has not left me and He never will -- He is my source….and I am trusting in Him daily, hourly, minute by minute, second by second!!!

these are my thoughts....my inner thoughts roll on...

Friday, July 24, 2009

28 years....

28 years ago @ 1:38 am on July 24…. The year would have been 1981….what do I remember about that day….well nothing…but what I know is that was the moment that I entered this world. You know how when you get to a point in your life and you realize that most everything your parents and grandparents have been saying that you laughed at….it really is happening. I mean I sit at my computer tonight, at 11:00 pm thinking that in just a few short hours I will be 28 years old….I mean that’s just a few years from 30 and I can no longer say I’m in my early or even mid 20’s I’m in my late 20’s….this realization may seem so under dramatic to anyone else but to me…well this is a huge moment…cause at this moment as I have heard my grandparents and my parents say so often…one day you’ll look back and say…where has the time gone….I used to laugh when they would say that but you know what I look back and I say…WOW where did the past 28 years go.
I have been doing a lot of remembering of things over the past few days – I get nostalgic at every birthday but the past few days have been something else for me. I was in a church service recently with my uncle Wayne and he said to me… I remember when you were a baby bouncing you on my knee and singing T for Texas and T for Tennessee…..and then thinking about my dad being at Virginia Church of God Youth Camp this week…I remember all those years at youth camp celebrating my birthday there or the day we were going home…memories so precious locked away in the vault of my mind, they are so dear and so precious to me, and with everything going on in my life right now…I treasure those precious memories and moments even more….. so should the Lord delay His coming until tomorrow morning July 24, 2009….when I get to post this online…I will be 28 years old….and while things are rough now….and will be smoothing out soon I know….I can rest assured that the memories that have been carrying in my mind, and the peace that Christ is giving me daily… the best is yet to come!!! SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! FELIZ CUMPLEANOS!!!!

these are my thoughts....my inner thoughts roll on...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Oh what a tangled web....

Oh what a tangled web we weave when life we feel we lose control. That thought comes to my mind so often of late and as much as I try to stop it I know that the only way to get out of this web is to fight the spider and smash the web to pieces.

As crazy as that sounds that's how I feel at this point in my life - I have so much to share - and some I will share when I am able -- but for now

these are my thoughts....my inner thoughts roll on... and I shall post something much better than this very soon I promise -- my mind is full of so many things -- and it's screaming to get out