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to the inner thoughts of me (Trish)! What's in my head and in my heart -- written out.
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Monday, November 17, 2008

The countdown is on....

While others at this time of the year begin their countdown to Thanksgiving - countdown to Christmas - countdown to the New Year - at this point - I'm doing lots of count downs.

Count down to Thanksgiving -- 10 days
Count down to HONDURAS trip -- 12 days
Count down to Christmas play - 32/33 - were having it 2 nights
Count down to Christmas - 38 days
Count down to New Year - 44 days
Count down to My Neice's Birth -- about 94 days!!!!

Lots of excitement happening in my life

Can't wait until Thanksgiving to spend time with family; can't wait to get to San Marcos de Colon Honduras and spend time with dear friends. I'm all about Christmas so even last week I was playing Christmas music. Of course the New Year brings times of reflection and time to make myself change some things -- and then the thing I can't wait for is the birht of my neice in Feb. -- even her 4 year old brother is getting excited now!!! While I don't have children of my own yet - I love my nephew more than words and I know that's how I already feel about my neice - so I guess until God allows me to have children - I'll have to live my dreams through him and soon her.

Just a day of countdown thinking for me.
What are some things that you are counting down?

the inner thoughts roll on...

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I know you have to be soooo excited about your trip!

Keep us posted and def bring back lots of pictures!